The user rules for the fee-based facilities

By reserving and using Helsinki Central Library Oodi’s facilities, you agree to the following user rules. All Oodi’s facilities are also subject to the Terms of agreement for reserving the City of Helsinki’s spaces and equipment.
These rules apply to the following fee-based facilities: Kino Regina*, Kuutio, kitchen and Maijansali. Only terms 3–8 and 11–15 apply to Aura.

1. The reserved facilities and any fixtures are available to the user during the time defined in the contract.

2. If necessary you can cancel your reservation up to three weeks before the reserved time. Please notify us of the cancellation at Uncancelled reservations and reservations that were cancelled too late will be invoiced for.

3. The lessee must be 18 or older.

4. Courses or recurring events with an entrance or participation fee (including material costs) cannot be held at the library. Individual events that charge participants a fee may be arranged.

5. The maximum number of people stated in Varaamo must not be exceeded (fire safety recommendations).

6. At the end of the rental period the lessee must ensure that the room is left in the condition it was in at the beginning of the rental period. Any damage must be immediately reported to the library personnel.

7. Events held in the rented facilities must not disrupt the other library operations or disturb the library’s customers and users.

8. Helsinki Central Library Oodi is an open and non-commercial space. Handing out materials such as fliers and balloons outside the reserved space is prohibited.

9. Before the event it’s possible to place one poster of the event in the place indicated by the library personnel. After the event has begun, the poster must be put inside the event space.

10. The area in front of Maijansali must be kept free of any obstacles such as furniture.

11. The library reserves the right to make or alter furniture arrangements

12. The content or nature of the event held in the rented facility must not violate Finnish law or good conduct.

13. Oodi’s personnel are always entitled to determine the use of Oodi’s premises

14. If necessary the library has the right, at its discretion, to disallow the lessee from entering the rented facilities or to interrupt an event held in the rented facilities, if it comes to light that the aforementioned rules are or have been violated.

15. Please note that in all Oodi’s premises principles for safer space are followed.

Read more about Oodi's principles for safer space

*If you make a reservation for Kino Regina, please note the following rules in addition to the ones mentioned above:

16. No food is allowed in this facility.

17. The film projector room located in the facility must not be operated by anyone else apart from the National Audiovisual Institute’s staff.

18. If you screen copyrighted material in the facility (e.g. a film), you must have permission to do so. You are also responsible that the Act on Audiovisual Programmes (710/2011) is abided, including the age limits.

Read more about the Act on Audiovisual Programmes