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Deichmanske Library in Oslo


In Oslo, the winner of the architectural competition for the new construction of the Deichmanske Library was selected in March 2009. The winning entry is called Diagonale, designed by Lund Hagem Arkitekter and Atelier Oslo. The objective is the completion of the building in 2017.

The plot selected for the new library is in a central location, next to the Opera House. The sea and the pulse of the city are nearby.

In the selection of the winner, conclusive factors contained especially cityscape-related ideas and the fact that it is possible to construct the building phase by phase. Versatility, functionality and efficiency were other crucial requirements, as were ecological issues and low energy consumption.

In content-related aspects, the new building aims to support a new kind of library concept. The library is designed to become an important source for information and culture, reaching new user groups through new technology. It is also planned to hold an important role as a meeting place – as an arena for experience exchange, discussions and cultural diversity. It is also hoped that the library will promote people’s literary interests, inspire learning and make the role of Oslo stronger as an international and multicultural capital.



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