Central Library Oodi starts accepting returns on Monday 4th May, 2020. This service is available from Monday to Friday between 8AM-5PM.
Books and other borrowed items can be left in boxes under the balcony, on the side of the Citizen’s Square near the restaurant door. Please follow the instructions outside and leave your items in the boxes quickly. Only one person at a time will be allowed to leave items in the boxes. The librarians take the boxes inside and check in the items the following weekday. It is not possible to give you a receipt for your returns. Please wait for your turn in the queue and remember to keep a safe distance from others!
Please note that all other library services are closed due to the instructions by the Regional State Administrative Services. Currently, all libraries will be closed until May 13th. We do not know when other library services, such as borrowing books and picking up holds, are possible. We update current information on Helmet.fi website as the situation evolves.
If you have any questions about your returns, please call the library at 09 3108 5000 (from Monday to Friday 9AM-4PM).