MetLib 2019 Helsinki program

MetLib 2019 Helsinki program

The theme of the conference is Reshaping lives and libraries and we are approaching the topic via issues like changes in the working culture, digitalization and innovative partnerships. The program will explore these topics in the context of metropolitan lives both in the viewpoint of library users and staff.




Wednesday, May 8th to Friday, May 10th


Tuesday May 7

Location: Empire Hall (The House of Bock), Aleksanterinkatu 20

18:00–19:00 Welcoming reception

Wednesday May 8

Location: Helsinki Central Library Oodi, Regina

9:00 Registration
9:30 Welcome address
10:00 Keynote speaker Eric Klinenberg:
Palaces for the People: Libraries, Social Infrastructure, and the Future of Civic Life
[Open to public]
11:00-11:10 Short break
11:10 Katri Vänttinen (Finland) Libraries in Helsinki and Finland: Where we are and where we are going
11:30 Éva Kelemen and Sakari Heikka (Finland): The new sounds of library: rethinking the identity of music librarianship
12:00 Lunch
13:00–16:00 Library visits: Iso Omena library, Espoo & Tour around Oodi Central Library (transportation provided)

Thursday May 9

Location: Helsinki Central Library Oodi, Regina

9:00 Floating Collection: Lyngsoe/Innovative/Helsinki City Library
10:00 Charles Pace (USA): From Toxic to Transparent: Changing Workplace Culture
10:20 Carme Galve Montore (speaker) Marta Cano Vers and Ester Omella Claparols (Spain): BiblioLab, moving forward in the public library model
10:40 Pirkko Lindberg and Emma Salmi (Finland): Metso Product Family. A successful partnership with local designers
11:00 Lunch
12:00 Pechakucha sessions
  • Kirsti Aarniste: Future Begins at the Library
  • Marjan Marinkovic: AVA Library – Online Library of Documentaries
  • Lucia Werder: A Place to Be Inspired: Bremen Public Library
  • Maja Bodis (Visnja Cej and Kristina Krpan): Satisfied and Content Employees = Good Atmosphere in the Library (Example from Zagreb)
  • Andrew Nurkin: Here are the People: Transforming Libraries through Cultural Partnerships
13:00 Library visit: Helsinki City Library – Maunula branch
Workshop: Library as a business (transportation provided)
15:30 Return to Oodi
19:00 Evening Dinner: Meripaviljonki – Säästöpankinranta 3, 00530 Helsinki (You can arrive there directly at 19:00, or then meet at Oodi 18:30 and we will go there together.)

Friday May 10

Location: Helsinki Central Library Oodi, Auditorium

9:00 Standing Committee Meeting
10:45 IFLA Metropolitan Libraries Short Film Award
12:00 Lunch
13:00–15:00 Library visits (optional) – locations are in downtown and participants can depart at any time if they have flights to make. We will walk to the sites.

Helsinki University Library: Main Library (30 minutes)
The National Library of Finland (30 minutes)


More information about the event

To the main page of MetLib 2019 Helsinki

Organizers of MetLib 2019 Helsinki